The Rose Maker: Offbeat Comedy About Planting Seeds of Hope

By Andrea K. Hammer

Just in time to celebrate the spring gardening season, the DVD cover of The Rose Maker stands out from a dark collection and literally spreads a ray of sunshine.

Indirect Comedy: Not All Sunshine and Roses

Hinting at an unexpected twist, the strong image of the main character Eve Vernet (Catherine Frot) shows her standing with three troubled-looking workers in a field of roses. The incongruous elements suggest that this indirect comedy by director and screenwriter Pierre Pinaud is not all sunshine and roses, which the descriptive blurb on the back cover confirms: To keep her father’s business afloat and out of the clutches of corporate rival and driven potential buyer Lamarzelle (Vincent Dedienne), Eve’s loyal and problem-solving secretary Vera (Olivia Cote) hires three new workers from a rehabilitation program.

Supporting Cast of Hardworking “Misfits”: No Gardening Experience

As the three hardworking “misfits” without any gardening experience, Fred (Melan Omerta), Samir (Fatsah Bouyahmed) and Nadege (Marie Petiot) add a dose of harsh reality, which grounds the ethereal beauty of the magnificent roses. Eve’s growing relationship with Fred—as a true friend and mother figure recognizing his gift for identifying all types of scents and potential as a perfumer—is particularly moving. The  rough edges that actress Catherine Frot and actor/rapper Melan Omerta give their characters as well as their reluctant but inevitable attachment make the seemingly true story believable, despite the unsettling rose heist scene.

Central Character Drives Growth and Survival of Unlikely Group

As the central figure driving the growth and survival of this unlikely group and her father’s business, Eve (Catherine Frot) maintains her strength, dignity and independent spirit in every scene. Although she faces setbacks and constant struggles while attempting to preserve and honor her father’s name and keep her enterprise operational, the actress helps her character remain completely focused on the beauty of roses—and life. Gardeners will find scenes with her explanation of creating a unique rose especially fascinating, along with additional details in the “Being a Rose Breeder” featurette.

Bonus Features Enhance Special Film Experience

Additional bonus features, including audio commentary by the director as well as interviews with Catherine Frot and Pierre Pinaud, enhance this special film experience. During the first interview, the actress replies to some surprising questions with a high level of forthrightness. In the latter, a discussion about blending interests in gardening and cinematography is particularly interesting.

As an offbeat comedy about the delights and healing power of gardening, The Rose Maker adds depth to planting seeds of hope.




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